Monday, January 13, 2014

More on my daily diet.

Hello readers!

My this was a god awful dayy, just had to throw that out there....
Anyhoo, more in depth about my journey, I am entering into a bikini competition for May 31st (yaaaaay JUST in time for summer!!!!!).  I've already been shopping for my bikini and heels and everything else that I'm going to need. Hoohoo!!  Every day, I've been eating either 6 egg whites (out of the carton) or a bunch of veggiebles (or both) for breakfast.  Been eating sauteed vegetable sides (Broccoli, Asparagus, Peppers, Onions, and Spinach in olive oil) for lunch and/or dinner (if i don't feel like cooking).  And then for my "third meal"  I've been eating a pre workout snack, working out (most times late at night :( that'll change soon), and then drinking a protein shake and having a small bit of complex carbs and YOU GUESSED IT more veggies for post workout! Oh yeaaaaa ;)
I plan on continuing this for the most part until I get closer to the competition, I'm not sure how my diet is supposed to change as it approaches, but I'll definitely keep you posted.

First Day of the" $100k reasons why" challenge. Aaaaand I'm awake wayy too late.

Hello readers,

I don't really expect anyone to read this. But considering I'm really serious about my fitness goals this time, hopefully someday this may be of some help to someone.  First, a little back story on myself.

My name is Jennah Kahl, I am a sophomore in college, and a server at Olive Garden.  I've been working on "dropping-the-weight" and being "beach ready" for a year now. I've been a vegetarian for 2 years. Around February of last year, I began to do Shaun T's "Insanity".  I made it through a month and quit.  I took about a month off and then began just working out on my own every once in a while, going for a run here and there, doing my own work outs, going to the gym at my college at the time, mostly to do cardio. During the summer I would go to for some good workouts a few times a week.  Then once I moved to Eau Claire I began buying my own fitness equipment and worked out in my home going off an article I read on, <-- I did this for at least a month then decided it was time to just get a gym membership. I got a membership at my local Snap Fitness here in Eau Claire, and this gym will be the site of my workouts for my transformation.  In later entries, I will talk more and more on how I felt all throughout the past year, what things I tried, what things failed at motivating me, what things did motivate me, etc.

But, this time it's for real.